Friday, October 11, 2019

Historical Events and Laws in school

I have noticed a lot regarding the laws and historical events regarding schools especially as I have been a substitute in schools.  I have the opportunity to see different classes in many schools in our area.  As far as the events in the past that shape our schools now a days The launch of Sputnik I feel made big strides in teaching our students more science and technology and we build on it now as STEM is such an important way of teaching in this day and age.  I was in a STEM classroom and had the best experience watching as they explored how to make roller coasters with marbles and pool noodles.  They worked in groups to figure out what they could make the noodles do to make the marble keep going.  Sometimes they would make them go too high and it would stop momentum.  It was such a great lesson.

I have been in different schools that have different cultural diversity in each classroom.  I have also seen how cultural diversity and how it varies in different areas around our county.  I do believe that the opportunity to learn English is so important in this area.  I have noticed that even though there are different groups of students the language barrier does not seem to be as prevalent as it has been in the past.  Sadly, I have not had any experience learning how our schools teach English as a second language but I would be very interested in knowing how this is accomplished.

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