Thursday, September 19, 2019

Positive Classrooms

I love being able to be in the classroom.  I am so impressed  with how easy they seem to keep things flowing.  The thing that is also so impressive to me is how they can show so much love and caring but also to show the students what they expect as far as routine and expectations for behavior are concerned.

I am in a class room where the teacher feels that in order for her students to feel loved and not overlooked as well as safe.  She expects a lot from the first graders.  She does not let them know that they are too young to follow instructions.  She has started from day one with an everyday routine. They know exactly what needs to be done and when each day.  So, if there is a problem in the classroom she calls them out to make sure they know what isn't being done and then she lets them know that she cares.  One part of her routine that I think encourages a positive community is that when they come in each morning that put there stuff in their cubbies and then they each must answer a graph question of the day.  It may be "what is your pet?"  and then it will say, "dog, cat, fish, or bird".  They love seeing what everyone marks on the chart and where theirs fit in.

In the fifth grade class, I feel like she is really great at recognizing the students skills.  I feel like this is easier to do in older classes.  The way she does this is by doing a lot of independent study and activities in class.  She allows the students to work together and work at their pace.  I feel this shows that if someone understands they are able to help others and teach them.  And, in return someone else may be able to teach a different thing later on.

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