I have been attending a couple of schools as a substitute
teacher. I love the feel of these schools and have decided to make them
both places to do my service learning experiences. I am grateful for the
opportunities to know these schools before I go work there. The two
schools that I have chosen are Meadow Elementary in Lehi. Utah and Thunder
Ridge Elementary in Saratoga Springs, Utah. I have a soft spot in my
heart for Meadow, as my children attended every year of all four of their years
in elementary school in this school.
Meadow is a great school. The parental support is
amazing at this school. They work in classrooms, as a strong PTA
presence, and in what the school calls houses. Meadow has a great program
that helps teach great values and helps every student in the school to feel
included in a group of other students. This helps to keep bullying down
and kindness up. Meadow tries to have options to bring in more art
options as after school programs. This is very important to me. Their test scores are usually always above
average. This is a strong middle-class school. There is a very
small amount of low income in the school, but they do very well in there
testing scores. The average of missing days of school is low.
Thunder Ridge is another great school. The faculty and
staff are beyond great. There does not seem to be quite the re pore
between staff and families. I noticed that the classes really stay
working on their own and there is a lot less school wide interaction.
They do have a great PTA which seems to help a lot. Thunder Ridge is
larger in student percentage. I love that for after school programs they
have a great theater program. There tests scores are also above average.
I am so excited for the opportunity to do service
learning. I love being able to learn things in a classroom, but I feel
like there is so much more learning that can be done by seeing what you are
learning being implemented in the classroom. I feel like the teachers in both
schools will help me to learn things I could never learn by just reading a